Old Trails, New Systems

NYNJTC Headquarters
Saturday 11/23/2024
10AM - 2PM

When people are getting lost and trails aren’t meeting hiker needs, what can you do? Join Trail Program Manager Peter Dolan to see real-world examples of re-imagining trail networks to provide solutions to these problems.


Many trail networks grow organically over the years – linear trails sprout connectors, spurs snake toward vistas, “social trails” are marked, and new trails are added to provide loop options. With enough time, even trail systems that are fastidiously maintained on the ground can look confusing on a map.

This presentation uses examples of real-world trail networks that were re-imagined with simple re-blazing and strategic use of new connectors to provide radically improved user experiences.Undertaking such projects requires the involvement of land managers, nonprofit partners, volunteers, and the input of emergency first responders… but when a tangled mess of trails evolves into an elegant system of stacked loops, the result is worth it.

After walking through the projects described in this presentation, the audience will be ready to view old trail networks with fresh eyes!

Event Details:

Meeting Location: New York-New Jersey Trail Conference Headquarters - Google Maps Link
Time: 10AM - 2PM

This Workshop is hosted as part of Trail U.

Attending this workshop will count towards the Expert Trail Maintainer curriculum track. Fill out your attendance in the Trail U Brochure to track your progress and earn a patch upon completion!

If you have any questions about Trail U, please email [email protected]


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